Healing Neen follows the amazing recovery of Tonier 'Neen' Cain from a lifetime of abuse and drug addiction to a career as a nationally-known speaker and educator on the devastation of trauma and the hope of recovery. For 19 nightmarish years, she lived on the streets, racking up 66 criminal convictions, until finally treatment for her trauma offered her a way out and up. Her story points to the consequences of untreated trauma to individuals and society at-large, including mental health problems, addiction, homelessness and incarceration.
All proceeds from sales are used to expand awareness of trauma world-wide and to support trauma recovery efforts.
Our DVDs are for personal use only. A Public Use & Screening License is required for public use. For organizations with 15 or more employees, educational institutions, libraries and for Public Performance screenings. Public Performance means a non-theatrical performance of the Film, without charge, outside the home to a gathering of people other than family members and/or acquaintances. “Charge” means admission fee to generate profit at a commercial venue. This does not include charging a fee to attend an event that includes performance of the Film to cover the costs associated with hosting the event.
The complete Public Use & Screening License will be provided upon purchase.
Note: Expect a minimum of 3-4 weeks for delivery